secondary literature

  • The International Online Bibliography of Dada is the online catalog of the International Dada Archive at the University of Iowa Libraries. The catalog includes materials in all formats that have been cataloged for the collection, including books, essays in books, periodical articles, manuscripts, sound and videorecordings, and other media related to the Dada movement and to the individual dadaists. These materials are located throughout the University of Iowa Libraries, but are primarily housed in the Main Library and the Art Library. Most of the manuscript holdings are on microfilms that were made in various public and private collections in Europe and North America in the early 1980s, with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Jerome Foundation.
  • Ernst Teubner
    Hugo Ball. Eine Bibliographie / Ernst Teubner. Bibliographische Hefte 1 (Hase & Koehler : Mainz 1992). This bibliography is also the catalogue of the Hugo-Ball-Sammlung, housed at the Stadtbücherei Pirmasens. Additions to this bibliography were published in the Hugo Ball-Almanach:
    • 1991-1993: 17 (1993) 161-187
    • 1993-1996: 20 (1996) 187-241
    • 1996-2003: 26/27 (2002/3) 121-208
    • 2003-2006: 30 (2006) 121-210
  • Literaturliste Hugo Ball (Stand: 26. September 2011). The Pfälzische Landesbibliothek presents a list of publications by and on Hugo Ball. The list can be downloaded here.
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  • Susan Babilon
    Hugo Ball and the Development of Sound Poetry (City University of New York 1999) 864 p.
  • Hubert van den Berg
    Avantgarde und Anarchismus. Dada in Zürich und Berlin. Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte, Band 167 (Universitätsverlag C. Winter : Heidelberg 1998). Originally PhD publication Avantgarde und Anarchismus. Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Anarchismus in der Programmatik des Dadaismus in Zürich und Berlin, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1998. Reviewed by Richard Sheppard for Journal of European Studies (December 1999).
  • Jo Il
    Bezugnahme statt Nonsens. Eine semantische Untersuchung zu Goodmans Symboltheorie und zu literarischen Dada-Artefakten / Il Jo (Humboldt-Universität Berlin 2005) [online] (2006); available at <> [accessed 20 June 2011]
    • [abstract] The first part of the study is an exposition of the Nelson Goodman’s symbol theory, whose reception in the cognitivistic analysis of the modern art has gained importance [...] A goal in the second part should be the attempt of describing and of legitimizing as an art factor, regarding its act metaphor and its ironical courses, the deviating linguistic usage of the Dadaists. The products of Dada create themselves from scandalous conceptions of the art, particularly with its publicised nonsense to a significant component of the (literary) art. The ambivalent expression "nonsense" does not have to be understood literally as "nonsensical"; consciously nonsense pounds on the dadaistic status and wants to set off thereby from other art. For dadaistic views of art there are two basic assumptions: Either art is to be understood only on the basis, only the act, independently of all attendant circumstances, or, completely the opposite, art can be understood only from the respective contextual conditions, whose cognitive potential would be it then. With products of Dada, it becomes clear that they can’t be taken out of their textually, pictorially or actionisticly represented cognitive factors. Referring to the authority of the Dadaism this arrangement turns out to the attempt to break through from dominant thinking- and reception-samples. So the Dada-nonsense is to be understood also as an overcoming of conventional standardisations that makes a firm component of each exemplification.
  • Martin Korol
    Dada, Präexil und 'Die Freie Zeitung' - Ernst Bloch, homo ludens und Tänzer; der rastlose Hugo Ball auf der Suche nach Heimat; und ihre Weggefährten und Gegner in der Schweiz 1916-1919 (Universität Bremen 1997) [online] (2006); available at <> [accessed 20 June 2011].
  • Philip Mann
    Hugo Ball. An intellectual biography. Bithell series of dissertations, 13 (Institute of Germanic Studies, University of London : London 1987). Revision of the author’s thesis (University of East Anglia, 1984). Reviewed by Ritchie Robertson for Modern Language Review 84 (October 1989) nr. 4, 1035-1036 and by D.R. Midgley for Journal of European Studies 19 (September 1989) Nr. 3, 245-247.
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  • Hugo-Ball-Almanach : Studien und Texte zu Dada / Hrsg. von Stadt Pirmasens in Verbindung mit der Hugo-Ball-Gesellschaft; Redaktion: Eckhard Faul. Folge 1 (1977) - 30 (2006); neue Folge 1 (2009/10) - (Edition Text + Kritik : Munich 2010 - ).
  • Hugo Ball (1886-1986) Leben und Werk [23. Februar bis 31. März 1986 Wasgauhalle Pirmasens, 9. April bis 15. Juni 1986 Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus München, 5. Juli bis 7. September 1986 Kunsthaus Zürich] / [herausgegeben von Ernst Teubner] (Publica : Berlin 1986).
  • Jana Groh
    Dadaismus : Hugo Ball - Lautgedicht und Sprachmagie (Grin Verlag : 2008) 15 p.
  • Florian Höh
    Das Eröffnungs-Manifest des ersten Dada-Abends in Zürich 1916 im Kontext der historischen Avantgarde und seiner subversiven Qualitäten (GRIN Verlag : München 2008) Term Paper.
  • Oliver Ruf
    Zur Ästhetik der Provokation : Kritik und Literatur nach Hugo Ball (Transcript Verlag : Bielefeld 2012) 364 p.
  • Selected articles, essays, papers, theses etc. based on online availability.
  • Reinhard Döhl
    'Akustische Poesie / Ein Exkurs' [online] (2007); available at <> [accessed 20 June 2011].
  • Hal Foster
    'Dada Mime', in October 105 (Summer 2003) 166-176
    [Stable URL:
  • Jonathan W. Foster
    Dada was there before Derrida was there : The sound poetry of Hugo Ball. A Thesis Submitted to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts, Department Department of English (University of North Carolina : Wilmington 2004) [online] (2003); available at <> [accessed June 2013].
  • Tamara Hager
    'Aesthetisch- und politisch-weltanschauliche Positionen des Dichters Hugo Ball in der Zeit der Ersten Weltkrieg', in Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Karl-Marx-Universitat Leipzig. Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Reihe 38 (1989) Nr. 3, 264-270.
    • [abstract] Chronicles the intellectual odyssey of Hugo Ball from initial 'aesthetic' support of the German war effort in 1914 to political opposition to the war and castigation of Germany and Austria-Hungary as solely responsible for it by 1917-1918. Initially obsessed with realizing a new theatrical aesthetic that could spark fundamental sociopolitical change (he welcomed the war in 1914 as a catalyst for such change), Ball's eyewitness experience of the horrors of war in Belgium in 1914 led him to emigrate to Switzerland in 1915, where he organized antiwar intellectuals from other nations and soon came to blame German intellectuals since Martin Luther for heightening the role of the state in Germany and producing an unnaturally patriotic and militaristic nation [Historical Abstracts].
  • Amanda L. Hockensmith
    'Hugo Ball', in Leah Dickerman (ed.), Dada. Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris (National Gallery of Art : Washington DC 2005) 162-163 [online] (2005); available at <> [accessed 20 June 2011].
  • Ellen Kennedy
    'Carl Schmitt und Hugo Ball. Ein Beitrag zum Thema "politischer Expressionismus"', in Zeitschrift für Politik 35, Nr. 2 (1988) 143-162.
    • [abstract] The friendship between the political theorist Carl Schmitt and Hugo Ball points to the deep ambivalence of 'the Generation of 1914'. Hardly any other two men in 20th-century German intellectual history symbolize such different directions as Schmitt and Ball. But their friendship and its end characterizes, biographically, the fragmentation of modern life and the dilemma of its transcendence. The importance of Schmitt's friendship with Hugo Ball is interpreted in the light of new material from the Schmitt Nachlass as typical for the culture-critical perspective of this generation. Schmitt's Political Romanticism is seen here as a roman a clef about the central problem of his age - romanticism versus politics. [Historical Abstracts].
  • Debbie Lewer
    'Hugo Ball, Iconoclasm and the Origins of Dada in Zurich', in Oxford Art Journal 32, no. 1 (2009) 17-35 [URL].
  • Debbie Lewer
    'Fuga Saeculi - Hugo Ball. Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich, 14 September 2007 – 29 February 2008', in Papers of Surrealism Issue 6 (Autumn 2007). Long exhibition review essay [online] (2007); available at <> [accessed 20 June 2011].
  • Anson Rabinbach
    'The Inverted Nationalism of Hugo Ball’s Critique of the German Intelligentsia', introduction to Hugo Ball, Critique of the German Intelligensia / translated by Brian L. Harris (Columbia University Press : New York 1993) vii-xl. The essay is also included in Anson Rabinbach, In the Shadow of Catastrophe: German Intellectuals between Apocalypse and Enlightenment (University of California Press : Berkeley 1997) 66-94.
    [Google Books]
  • John Scanlan
    'Words and Worlds: Dada and the Destruction of Logos, Zurich 1916', in tout-fait. The Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal Issue 5 (2003) [online]; available at <> [accessed 20 June 2011].
  • Christian Scholz
    'Relations between sound poetry and visual poetry. The path from the optophonetic poem to the multimedia text', in Visible Language 35 (2001) No. 1
    [online DADA article archive]
    • [abstract] A brief history of the development of scores for sound poetry during the twentieth century is presented. The work of Hugo Ball, Raoul Hausmann and Kurt Schwitters is the focus for the early part of the century. From mid-century to end, the work of Franz Mon, Carlfriedrich Claus and Valeri Scherstjanoi is the focus.
  • Richard Sheppard
    'Dada and Politics', in Journal of European Studies 9, No. 1/2 (March/June 1979) 39-74. Reprinted in Modernism-dada-postmodernism / Richard Sheppard. Avant-Garde & Modernism Studies (Northwestern University Press : Evanston IL, 2000) 304-350.
    [Google Books]
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